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Pipette tip boxes come in many different sizes, shapes, and colors. They also all have 2-3 separate parts! When we receive the boxes, the first important step we take is to sort by color and size

We go through the boxes serperating the different parts as well including: the lid, pipette insert, and box bottom.

The lids and inserts are a smaller, skinnier design which our shredder loves! So these can go right into Tony Hawk (oh yeah that's the name of our shredder)! The bottoms on the other had are thicker and their cubular shape bounces around the shredder and are hard to grab onto! These we have to set aside for the crusher!

Oh and also, we sort by color so that we have as much freedom as possible for sheet design! (One of our favorite parts of the recycling process is mixing color blends - which you can read about later!)

Weighing is the last important part of the sorting step! We weigh out how much of each color we have collected after they are all sorted. We later compare this number to the post-shred weight of each color to see our plastic yeild. So far our yeild has been between 96-99% for all of our shredded plastic! This means we are only "misplacing" around 1-4% of the plastic we collect throughout the sorting, crushing, and shredding steps!!

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